Monday, 23 June 2014

Invalid Bundle Structure Your package contains a bundle with the following issue: IPA bundle does not include a Payload directory.

When I submit my app to App Store from Xcode 5.0.2. I get following issue Invalid Binary with Invalid Bundle Structure Your package contains a bundle with the following issue: IPA bundle does not include a Payload directory. on my mail I get this content. I search for the issue but does not found any proper solution. I have tried to resolve issue clean code and upload three to four times but does not get any proper solution.
After that I checked my other project and I checked my info.plist file in that file one parameter added which is CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion. Open your Info.plist file and + and write Info Dictionary Version which is 6.0 and clean app and upload it for doing this my app is uploaded and get status waiting for review.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Android SQLite Tutorial : Create Product Class